Rule 4: Get in Shape
The Serenity Prayer, authored by Reinhold Niebuhr applies not only to matters of love, but also to most other aspects of your life. Incidentally, it has been adopted for use by Alcoholics Anonymous ®, as well.
ラインホルド・ニーバーが書いたニーバーの祈りは恋愛だけではなく、人生のあらゆる側面にも適用できます。また、これは、Alcoholics Anonymous®(アルコール中毒者をサポートする団体)でも使われています。
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
神よ 変えることのできるものについて、 それを変えるだけの勇気をわれらに与えたまえ。 変えることのできないものについては、 それを受けいれるだけの冷静さを与えたまえ。 そして、 変えることのできるものと、変えることのできないものとを、 識別する知恵を与えたまえ。
Although I’m not religious, I like this saying, and, truth be told, it applies to pretty much every rule I teach you. However, today we’re applying it to exercise. Exercise will make you look better, feel better, sleep better, have more energy during the day, and feel more confident. It helps prevent sickness and increases mental acuity. It is one of the most basic and simple things you can do to improve your general well being.
Now stop thinking about a boring routine where you’re forced to do repetitive sets at the gym day in and day out — that’s not for everyone. Exercise can be as easy as getting off the train a station early and walking for an extra ten minutes. Every bit counts. Regardless, you must choose an exercise that you enjoy, whether it be running, biking, lifting, mountain climbing, soccer, tennis, yoga, or anything that stretches out your muscles or gets your heart pumping. The advantage of group sports and group activities is that you get to meet like-minded people and extend your personal network.
There really are no excuses. No money? Try body-weight exercises (building a little muscle mass works wonders). Or even just jogging around your neighborhood. No time? Start supersizing by doing several things simultaneously. Study on an exercise bike. Answer email on a treadmill (but don’t trip over your toes!).
Real-world example 実例 Several years ago, I realized that I could no longer eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight, so I decided I would start running. At first it was fairly irregular, and I would mostly run to counter calories. This was not sustainable. Ultimately, I decided to train for a full marathon. This may have something to do with my hot friend’s overweight boyfriend whose marathon pictures were posted on Facebook. (“If he can do it, so can I!”) Regardless of my initial motivation, the physical and mental changes are evident. I wake up full of energy, my face and body is more chiseled, and I have a whole new set of running friends. Even when we’re not out running together, we’re always celebrating each others’ birthdays and going to our favorite izakaya. Maybe that last part isn’t so healthy, but you can’t argue with results!