Rule 3: Clothes Make the Man (or Woman)
From Erasmus to Mark Twain, many notable figures have remarked that we are judged by what we wear. And how could it be otherwise? Aside from gossip and what have you, your first impression of someone will most likely be visual. Therefor, it’s your job to advertise yourself. Find a style that works for you and stick with it. Though it’s ok to be experimental and join the avant-garde, do not be a chameleon. It is important for you to figure out who you are so you can understand what you like.
It should also be noted that what you wear also affects how you perceive yourself and even how you think. Scientists have discovered a phenomenon they call “enclothed cognition” that demonstrates a link between what we wear and how we think. “If you wear a white coat that you believe belongs to a doctor, your ability to pay attention increases sharply. But if you wear the same white coat believing it belongs to a painter, you will show no such improvement.” Read more at The New York Times.
しかも注目すべきは、着ている服が自己認識、さらには自分の考え方にまで影響を与えるということです。服装が自分の考え方に影響するという、科学者が発見したこの現象は「enclothed cognition」と名付けられました。「お医者さんの白衣のような白い上着を着ると、注意力が急激に増加します。しかし、画家のような白い上着を着れば、注意力に変化は見られません」詳しくはニューヨークタイムズ紙をご覧ください。
A friend of mine gave me some very good advice when I was trying to settle on a style of my own. He said, “Go to a cafe with a decent street view, sit back, and do some people watching. Find the girls you’re interested in and then look at the guys who they’re with. What are they wearing? If that’s the kind of girl you want, that’s the kind of clothes you should probably be wearing.” Girls searching for guys (or really anyone searching for anyone) can develop their style using the same sort of approach.
Real-world example
Though I could describe for you my style, that wouldn’t really help you because everyone’s different. Instead, I’m going to provide you with some useful sites to assist you as you figure out your own style.
* Reddit hosts huge communities of fashion junkies eager both to advise and to critique.
Men: http://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice
Women: http://www.reddit.com/r/femalefashionadvice.
* Tumblr is an inspiration gold mine.
Men: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/mens-fashion
Women: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/womens-fashion
* Style.com has a little bit of everything.
Men and Women: http://style.com
* Redditにはアドバイスとか批評などを提供したいファッションマニアたちのビッグコミュニティーがあります。
* Tumblrはインスピレーションの宝庫です。
* Styleというサイトは多様性があります。