


なぜアメリカ人は誰にでも気軽に声をかけて、すぐに友達になれるんだろう?って、うらやましく思ったことはありませんか? アメリカ人のメンタリティや、コミュニケーションのコツを学んで、あなたも、世界中の誰とでも友達になれるオープンマインドを身につけましょう!
Photo by: victory

Rule 2: Fake it ’til you make it


Take a moment and imagine yourself at a bar, at an office meeting, at a soccer game — any place where a group of people is interacting. Now imagine two people who seem more or less exactly the same. Their job, their clothes, even their facial features are the same. Imagine them as twins if you like. There is, however, one key difference: one is the embodiment of confidence and one lacks it altogether.


Now, in your imagination, what do you notice that’s different about the two?


* One stands up straighter than the other
* One looks people in the eye when speaking
* One speaks clearly and slowly
* One listens attentively when others are speaking
* One is all smiles

* 一人はもう一方より、シャキッとよい姿勢です

Which of these two would you like to spend time with? The answer should be obvious. You, too, can be this person and should aspire to be this person. Of course you want people to look at you and think, “Yeah, that’s the guy I want to hang out with!” But how do we get there? We can’t suddenly become confident any more than we can buy confidence at a store. (Alcohol doesn’t count.)

この二人の中で、どちらと時間を過ごしたいでしょう? 答えは明白。あなただってそのような人になれるし、そういう人になろうとしたっていいんです。そりゃ、あなたを見て「やっぱり遊ぶならこういう人だよね!」と周りの人に思われたいですよね。しかし、どうやってこれを達成するんでしょうか? 店で自信を買って来て、いきなり自信満々になんてなれませんからね(お酒は別として)。

Confidence is a decision, and that decision starts with acting confident. Do what confident people do. Act like they act. In due time, you will become that person and you will wonder why you were ever shy to begin with. In English, we say “fake it ’til you make it.”


Bonus tip! Review this TED Talk and learn how a few minutes of “power poses” in the morning can give you a confidence boost that lasts all day.


Real-world example


When I first arrived in Japan as an English teacher, I had no real teaching experience. Sure, I had tutored groups of students in math and occasionally helped people write essays, but I had no actual training as a teacher. I believed in myself and I believed in my English skills, but when I first stood in front of my first class I had a mental panic attack. “They’re going to see through you! They’re going to know you don’t belong here!” I was plagued with doubt and started to sweat, so I had to make a decision. I could quit, pack up my bags, and head back home, or I face my students like a teacher and say, “Ok class, today we’re going to study such-and-such so turn to page such-and-such and let’s get started!” After a week or two, though the students had already accepted me as their teacher, I finally accepted myself. From then on everything was smooth sailing.


Dan Michaelsプロフィール
