The UK’s immensely popular “Sherlock” is a new take on an old classic, casting Benedict Cumberbatch as the eponymous detective and Martin Freeman as his loyal sidekick. A self-proclaimed “highly functioning sociopath,” Cumberbatch’s Holmes departs from early canon as well as the recent Robert Downey Jr. films, and is tested against the 21st century with all the powers of technology at his disposal.
Though not once will you hear the famous quip “Elementary, my dear Watson!” (it should be noted, however, that said phrase was neither voiced in Conan Doyle’s original stories), fans may rest easy knowing that Moriarty, Sherlock’s arch-nemesis, will again appear to push the famed detective to the brink of death.
In episode one, “A Study in Pink,” Sherlock and Watson investigate a strange series of “serial suicides.” Could they be a coincidence? As Holmes’s elder brother Mycroft often chides, “Oh, Sherlock, what do we say about coincidences?”
エピソード1の「ピンク色の研究」では、シャーロックとワトソンはが奇妙に連続する自殺事件の謎を追います。本当に、ただの偶然なのでしょうか? シャーロックの兄は叱るときよくこう言います。「シャーロック、偶然というものについて、どう思う?」
In the following scene, Sherlock and Watson meet for the first time.
Sherlock: How do you feel about the violin?
Watson: I’m sorry, what?
Sherlock: I play the violin when I’m thinking. Sometimes I don’t talk for days on end. would that bother you? Potential flatmates should know the worst about each other.
僕、考えているときは、バイオリンを弾くんだ。考え事が終わるまでは、時には数日間しゃべらないこともある。そういうのって、気になりますかね? ルームメートになりそうな人はお互いの欠点を知っておかないとと思って。
Watson: Are you—? You told him about me?
Stamford: Not a word.
Watson: Then who said anything about flatmates?
Sherlock: I did. Told Mike this morning that I must be a difficult man to find a flatmate for. Now here he is, just out to lunch with an old friend. Clearly just home from military service in Afghanistan. Wasn’t a difficult leap.
Watson: How did you know about Afghanistan?
Sherlock: I’ve got my eye on a nice little place in Central London. Together we ought to be able to afford it. We meet there tomorrow evening, seven o’clock. Sorry, got to dash. I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary.
Watson: Is that it?
Sherlock: Is that what?
Watson: We’ve only just met and we’re going to go look at a flat.
Sherlock: Problem?
Watson: We don’t know a thing about each other. I don’t know where we’re meeting. I don’t even know your name.
Sherlock: I know you’re an army doctor and you’ve been invalided home from Afghanistan. I know you’ve got a brother who’s worried about you, but you won’t go to him for help because you don’t approve of him—possibly because he’s an alcoholic, more likely because he recently walked out on his wife. And I know that your therapist thinks your limp’s psychosomatic, quite correctly I’m afraid. That’s enough to be going on with, don’t you think? {he exits and pops back in.} The name’s Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221b Baker Street. Afternoon.
僕は、君が軍医でアフガニスタンから傷病兵として送還されてきたんだって知ってるよ。お兄さんに心配されているのに、君は助けを受け入れないことも…お兄さんを認めたくないらしいね、多分お兄さんがアルコール中毒だからか、あるいは最近奥さんと別れたせいだね。君のセラピストは、君が足を引きずっているのは心因性だろうって思ってる、ちなみに残念ながらその通りだろうね。これだけ知っていれば十分じゃない? 私の名前はシャーロック・ホームズ。待ち合わせ場所はベーカー通り221b番地。じゃ!
Stamford: Yeah. He’s always like that.