・Is there anything…
you would rather not eat?
you don't particularly care for?
particular you don't care for?
you don't care for (much)?
in particular you don't like to eat?
・Is there anything…
you do not feel like eating?
you wouldn't like to eat?
・Is there anything…
you don't like very much?
particular you don't eat?
you don't like to eat?
you don't want to eat?
you don't like?
you can't eat?
・Are there any foods…
you don't like?
you can't eat?
★多かった間違い(Common Mistakes):
×don't prefer to eat
…preferの否定形は prefer not to〜。
×Do you have〜?
…後に anything you〜と続くときに、Do you have〜? は使いません。
Do you have any dislikes? ならOK。
<h3 id="excellent-answer">優秀答案</h3>
<dl class="excellent">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/tokusen.gif" alt="特選" title="特選" />Poccoさん</dt>
<dd>Is there anything that you prefer not to eat?</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>Very good!! ゚+.ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ.+゚<br />
とてもpoliteな表現です。<br />
<dl class="excellent">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/tokusen.gif" alt="特選" title="特選" />cyuusanさん</dt>
<dd>Is there anything you prefer not to have?</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>Very good!! ゚+.ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ.+゚<br />
とてもpoliteな表現です。<br />
<dl class="excellent">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/tokusen.gif" alt="特選" title="特選" />ぎっぴょんさん</dt>
<dd>Is there anything you would prefer not to eat?</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>Very good!! ゚+.ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ.+゚<br />
とてもpoliteな表現です。<br />
<dl class="excellent">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/tokusen.gif" alt="特選" title="特選" />akokonさん</dt>
<dd>Is there anything you'd prefer not to eat?</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>Very good!! ゚+.ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ.+゚<br />
とてもpoliteな表現です。<br />
<dl class="great">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/nyusen.gif" alt="入選" title="入選" />katsuboさん</dt>
<dd>Is there any food you'd rather not have ?</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>こちらも丁寧な言い方です☆<br />
<dl class="great">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/nyusen.gif" alt="入選" title="入選" />Hanaさん</dt>
<dd>Is there anything you don't particularly care for?</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dl class="great">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/nyusen.gif" alt="入選" title="入選" />akkoさん</dt>
<dd>Is there anything you would rather not eat?</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>こちらも丁寧な言い方です☆<br />
<dl class="great">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/nyusen.gif" alt="入選" title="入選" />まあまあさん</dt>
<dd>Is there anything you'd rather not eat?</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>こちらも丁寧な言い方です☆<br />
<p class="previous">来週は問題を出題します。お楽しみに!</p>