Open source P2P money: https://bitcoin.org/ (英語)
P2Pベースの仮想通貨 – ビットコイン: http://bitcoin.co.jp/ (日本語)
Bitcoin Magazine: http://bitcoinmagazine.com/ (英語)
Tomoko: Bitcoin!
Ryokuske: Andrew, did you lose money when Mt. Gox went bankrupt?
Andrew: Thankfully, I saw the writing on the wall for Mt. Gox a long time ago, so pulled all my funds out way before the site shut down. But to be honest, I only kept a few bitcoins for trading there. Most of my bitcoins are held safely in cold storage.
Tomoko: Nice intuition! You have a good nose for investing.
Andrew: Haha I’m not sure about that, but Marc Karpeles (the CEO of Mt. Gox) is sort of a shady figure. I read an article the other day alleging that he was involved with some unsound business in France as well. The question on everyone’s mind now though is where are the Mt. Gox bitcoins? Were they really stolen? Is Marc hiding them for himself? Is he under a gag order by some government? No one knows yet, but it’s fun watching the story unfold.
(笑)せやろか。そやけどマウントゴックス最高経営責任者のマーク・カーペレスて、なんや怪しそうなヤツやで。僕がこの前読んだ記事によると、彼はフランスでも怪しげな商売に関わっとったと言われてますねん。今、皆が不思議でたまらんのは、マウントゴックスのビットコインはいったいどこにあるんか? 本当に盗まれてしもたんか? マークは自分のために隠しとんのか? どこかの政府に箝口令を敷かれとんのか? 今んとこ、誰もわからへんけど、この話の展開を見んのはオモロいわ。
Ryosuke: I have a question. If Marc is hiding them, who will judge him? What’s the crime?
質問。もしマークが隠しとったらやけど、誰が彼を裁くことになるん? 彼の罪は何やねん?
Tomoko: Marc had been saying all along that “bitcoin is high risk,” so I wonder if he is to blame. He claims he’s also a victim.
Andrew: Ryosuke, that’s a really good question. At the very least, he may be guilty of fraud, but it’s difficult to tell in such a new and unregulated market. Tomoko, I think that regardless of guilt or innocence, bitcoin’s risk and volatility are something about which everyone can agree.
The writing on the wall – 不吉な予感
cold storage – オフラインストレージ
nice intuition – 勘がいい
have a good nose for ~ – ~には鼻が利く
shady figure – あやしい人
allege – 主張
question on everyone’s mind – 皆が不思議でたまらない
gag order – 箝口令
unfold – 展開
guilty of fraud – 詐欺罪を犯している
volatility – 不安定