×check it out
(例)Hey, I just bought a new car. Come and check it out.
×check it
(例)I finished my homework but could you check it for me to see if it's correct?
(例)A: Do we have enough milk?
B: Hang on a second. I'll check.
(例)After the crash, they examined the train to try and find the cause.
(例)The detectives are investigating the crime scene right now.
(例)He is doing research on a cure for cancer.
×look it up
(例)I'll look it up in the dictionary.
<h3 id="excellent-answer">優秀答案</h3>
<dl class="excellent">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/tokusen.gif" alt="特選" title="特選" />フェルメールさん</dt>
<dd>I'll look into your inquiry and get back to you as soon as possible.</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>as soon as がついていて、<br />
<dl class="great">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/nyusen.gif" alt="入選" title="入選" />ion-keiriさん</dt>
<dd> I`ll look into it and get back to you.<br />
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>Goooood!(*^ω^*)<br />
it を your inquiryにするとさらに丁寧に☆</dd>
<dl class="great">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/nyusen.gif" alt="入選" title="入選" />阿部靖司さん</dt>
<dd>I will look into it and call you back.</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>Goooood!(*^ω^*)<br />
it を your inquiryにするとさらに丁寧に☆</dd>
<dl class="great">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/nyusen.gif" alt="入選" title="入選" />末吉さん</dt>
<dd>I will look into it and get back to you.</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>Goooood!(*^ω^*)<br />
it を your inquiryにするとさらに丁寧に☆</dd>
<dl class="great">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/nyusen.gif" alt="入選" title="入選" />かふえ、Kazuhiro、mahu、おいしいスープ、モナリザの母さん</dt>
<dd>I'll look into it and get back to you.</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>Goooood!(*^ω^*)<br />
it を your inquiryにするとさらに丁寧に☆</dd>
<dl class="great">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/nyusen.gif" alt="入選" title="入選" />隼人さん</dt>
<dd>I'll look into that and call you back.</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>Goooood!(*^ω^*)<br />
it を your inquiryにするとさらに丁寧に☆</dd>
<dl class="great">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/nyusen.gif" alt="入選" title="入選" />busyukorocksさん</dt>
<dd>I'll look into that and get back to you.</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>Goooood!(*^ω^*)<br />
it を your inquiryにするとさらに丁寧に☆</dd>
<dl class="great">
<dt><img src="http://english.mag2.com/img/qa/common/nyusen.gif" alt="入選" title="入選" />koeeikoさん</dt>
<dd>I"ll look into it and call you back.</dd>
<dl class="comment">
<dt>Romy 先生のコメント:</dt>
<dd>Goooood!(*^ω^*)<br />
it を your inquiryにするとさらに丁寧に☆</dd>
<p class="previous">来週は問題を出題します。お楽しみに!</p>